Zombie Apocalypse Camping Trip is an event where Marianne organises the first ever Magical Camp camping trip... in a world destroyed by zombies, leading to Eric(a) and Yoshida finding a group exploiting this apocalypse.
Preceding Events
After the Cutie Knights defeat Yoshida and retrieve some of their stolen cores, the next day she can be interacted with, standing just outside of the Undine Dorm. Regardless of whatever choice Eric(a) makes, the two nearly start a fight before Marianne interferes, saying that the two, along with everyone else in the camp, will be going on the camp's first ever camping trip in three days and that they will enjoy it no matter what. Eric(a) will be spending the rest of the day packing, even though they commented that their luggage is rather light.
In the early hours of the next day, Veronica busts into Undine Dorm and alerts everyone that she noticed Yoshida slipping out of camp, and wants the entire team to go after her. Seeing how the ninja girl sneaked into Phyre's Tower, Veronica assumed that she was siphoning the cores she stole from the team, urging everyone further. However, one of Marianne's watchers already noticed the team slipping out of camp before training hours and alerts her accordingly. This causes her to wake Isabelle up to drag them back to camp. Depending on whether or not Eric(a) agrees to follow Veronica or not and conceding to Isabelle or not, the team may suffer serious damage from battling with Isabelle, and Phyre's Tower will also be locked out for that day.
Day One
Three days after Yoshida tried to sneak away, she as well as the Cutie Knights and several other Magical Girls step through the portal, only to discover that the trip takes place in a zombie-infested world filled with destruction and rotting corpses. Marianne, however, is happy to introduce everyone to the camping site, saying that Magical Girls are immune to zombification... although Giselle is not, whom she says they are free to execute should the maid get infected.
Despite the initial fear, the Magical Girls quickly realise that these Romero-style undead are much slower and less scary than the Magicos they've fought, and as such the zombie group that crawled their way to the camping spot were no match for the destructively adorable power of the girls.
After setting up camp, Eric(a) can interact with the Magical Girls and the staff members, though any of the following events will advance the day to sunset:
- The closest event to Eric(a)'s position is with Olivia and Giselle. Olivia is teaching Giselle first-aid to help in the case of potential survivors, however she becomes frustrated when the maid couldn't handle blood. Choosing to interfere will have Olivia appointing Eric(a) as the assistant nurse for this ill-advised trip instead, and they will spend the rest of the day learning first-aid from Olivia. At the end of the day, Olivia also reveals that she hates Giselle for something he did in the past, deeming it way too lenient for him to receive such a light punishment.
- Liria is also brought along for this trip by Marianne, and she'll sell you some basic consumables. Julie, understandably, gets jealous of her competition. Eric(a) may observe and so Liria will apologise to Julie, before giving her a treat. It turns out that what Liria gave to Julie was a magical Pocky-like treat called Pecky, which ends up magically pulling Julie and Catherine together into a Pocky game. The two ended up French kissing for quite some time, and while Catherine is largely unbothered, Julie is left traumatised so badly that Eric(a) had to console her for the rest of the day.
- Interacting with Scorch, she alongside Amy and Skudis will reveal that they're planning to loot a mall. Aside from some goods and jewellery, Scorch also hot-wires a sports car and takes the team for a joyride through a zombie horde. This experience leaves everyone except the irresponsible driver a bit shaken.
- If Vini was freed from her magical affliction by the Cutie Knights defeating Princess Anathema IV in the Fey Mansion, she is one of the Magical Girls present and will comment that it has been some time since she last could fly around freely. She offers taking Eric(a) along for a ride, which ends up exciting but also almost fatal for both of them, depending on what choices Eric(a) makes. Regardless, the two return by evening and make up again.
- Marianne herself is also an option if Eric(a) gained enough affection with her, which leads to shenanigans including Marianne putting her old hat onto Eric(a) and drinking hard liquor together. Eric(a) would wake up later with a headache and potentially an increase in chest size.
Although Eric(a) can only interact with one of the groups mentioned above, all of them happened even if Eric(a) themself was not present for them. During dinner time, one of the girls suggests roasting marshmallows, but it turns out the ones they were provided are made by Gob-Gob and thus not safe for human consumption. Liria chimes in and sells her own, much to everyone's relief. After buying the fresh marshmallows from Liria, the group decides to tell each other horror stories. Eric(a) is asked to decide who should tell a story, with the following choices:
- Natalie tells the story of her life with her sisters in Hell before arriving at the camp; the extremely gross and graphic details scare some girls away (including, notably, Yoshida), while the rest struggles to sleep peacefully that night.
- Veronica tells the story of a galactic conquest, which initially rather excessively focused on the logistics of warfare rather than action. One of the girls kept complaining that the story was boring, so Veronica skipped ahead a little in her tale and then showcased the final result, much to everyone's surprise and satisfaction.
- Alice, despite being noted as especially intelligent and talented, and even bringing a book along with her for the trip, turns out to be a poor storyteller and lulled everyone to sleep with her reading; a remarkable feat considering the place they are in.
- Amy tells the story of Jenny as heard from her old team leader; Jenny being a flat-chested girl who made a pact with a demon to fix her breasts. The demon, however, turned out to be a lolicon who then shrunk Jenny's body to even smaller and cuter proportions, and mock-applauded her much to her horror, resulting in her rather comical death. Amy ends up agreeing with the other girls that the story was stupid.
Day Two - Daytime
Having slept soundly from the last day, Eric(a) found everyone else had already left, leaving them alone with Giselle... and Yoshida. Immediately the two get into a heated argument again, causing Giselle to back out of the anti-zombie ward in fear and get captured by unknown assailants with a vehicle. Following the tire tracks and encountering a horde of Zombies, Yoshida wants to split off and find Giselle, saying that he's a good person (this also implies that Yoshida knows about Giselle's true gender). Eric(a) wants to follow as well, which Yoshida reluctantly agrees to.

Shortly after following the tracks, the two find a taxi parked in front of a building with its keys still in the ignition, indicating that its drivers left in a hurry. Just then several Younger Sister Zombies bust down the building's door. Remarking that they are much tougher than the average zombie, the two Magical Girls enter to find even more of them, prompting Yoshida to violently cut them all down.
Yoshida was so lost in the bloodbath, however, that she accidentally severely injured a young boy coming out of hiding, which Eric(a) couldn't heal as Yoshida stands in speechless horror of what she had done. The two carry the boy back to camp, where Olivia struggles to heal him, saying that the boy might have been cursed. She then urged the two to find Giselle as well as any other survivors, but not before recognising that the curse comes from the wounds inflicted by Yoshida's sword, saying that she'll have a talk with the girl after this.
Day Two - Nighttime
Returning to find Giselle, Yoshida is - perhaps uncharacteristically - sad and remorseful for losing her control back there, though she refuses to talk further about it. Enemy encounters will start to appear on the roads, though they're rather easy to avoid due to most of them being slow and rather sparse. Going north and east, the two discover a barricade and a recently-used van. Entering the building, they saw a group of thugs, one of them making advances towards Giselle until he discovers his dick, and the two girls intervene. Despite being shot, Eric(a) is reminded by Yoshida that bullets and knives have no effect on Magical Girls, and the two swiftly take down the thugs.
Giselle says that more prisoners are also kept upstairs, which the girls quickly rescue as well. Turns out this group of survivors was scavenging for supplies until the gang captured and abused them, presumably either to take their supplies or just to toy with them. Just then, a strange girl in black breaks the wall open and teleports the survivors along with Giselle away. Eric(a) and Yoshida are resistant to the spell however, and a short battle with the Necromancer ensues.
After the short battle the necromancer will flee, forcing Eric(a) and Yoshida to chase after her. There is a chance that the duo will encounter more Necromancers and their zombies, however there is also a smaller chance that one appears all on her own and immediately flees. Going all the way up north-west into another area, Eric(a) turns out to be unable to catch up with Yoshida due to her team not exactly having been trained for marathon running. Yoshida initially rushes them to go faster, but after noticing the giant zombie horde guarding the area she tells them to catch a breath instead by hiding in a nearby bar.
While inside the bar, Eric(a) stands up to get something to drink and finds some energy drinks. Yoshida is surprised that Eric(a) would actually like energy drinks, but is amused when they spit out the cheese-flavoured soda. The two actually hold off from getting into another argument, before Eric(a) sits back down and asks about what had happened earlier. Yoshida still doesn't want to talk about it here with them though.
This is where things split into two possibilities, depending on whether Eric(a) already solved the Y Investigation or not. If so, Eric(a) asks Yoshida why she originally signed up to be a Magical Girl, and while initially angry at Eric(a) for making small talk, she eventually follows and reflects the question back at Eric(a).
- Telling the truth and Eric(a) will reveal everything to Yoshida, saying that blackmailing won't work since they know Yoshida wouldn't kill or get them expelled. Instead, she jumps at Eric(a), asking how did Phyre got to them, but collapses in pain mid-sentence. Standing up while shaking, she almost got tricked by Eric(a) into drinking the cheese soda, though she doesn't look angry at all. Eric(a) is concerned about Yoshida if she collapses again, but she says it's no problem as long as they don't ask any more nosy questions, and that she can't answer everything.
- Making things up will instead have Eric(a) telling Yoshida that she was randomly picked up by Isabelle one day, who saw great Magical Girl potential in them and immediately handled the paperwork. Yoshida thus concludes that Eric(a) is just yet another girl that had nothing to do when the opportunity arose, and while she doesn't like them, she thinks she can trust them. She promises to tell them why she came here and show them a special place once they make it out alive.
The other option is if the Y Investigation was started but not finished. In this scenario, the small-talk is cut short by the appearance of two zombies that look distinctly like Isabelle... and a hooded figure who reveals herself to be Yvette. It turns out the crazy cryomage was very busy in the background and has joined the Yuri cult responsible for all the girl-zombies running around. A fight ensues which pits Eric(a) and Yoshida against Yvette and her two Izombelles, the losing of which results in the Ice Sculpture Game Over. If the duo are victorious however, Yvette completely loses it and flees the scene never to be seen again.
Either way, with the patrolling zombies now gone, the two continue tracking down the kidnapper, only to be caught by surprise by a scythe-wielding witch known as Ravyn Whisper. Ravyn is greatly displeased at how the girls mistreated her zombies, and while she assures that Giselle and everyone else is safe in her lair, states they will all be turned into zombies soon. Looking closer, she realises that Eric(a) is exactly her type and offers to allow them into the Order and become her pet if they lay down their weapons... Yoshida, though, is only suitable as a zombie in her eyes. Eric(a), obviously, denies the offer and initiates the battle against Ravyn the Necromancer. Losing here results in the Witch's Apprentice Game Over.
Emerging victorious, Ravyn runs away, dropping the Ring of Power that was given to her by her Mistress and is likely the source of most of her might. Going further to a cemetery, Ravyn's ring suddenly slips onto Eric(a)'s finger and transforms them into a zombie, causing them to freak out and for Yoshida to desperately pull it off. The ring is now a key item, though Eric(a) says using it is a bad idea. The entrance to the crypt is filled with enemy encounters, and when they got inside the crypt is suspiciously empty; Yoshida quickly discovers a hidden pathway that leads further inside despite how small the crypt looked from the outside. Deciding to go inside first to scout, Yoshida discovers that the place is filled with guards, telling Eric(a) to wear the ring and walk in disguised while Yoshida will stick to the shadows.
The Necro-Yuri Lair
The pathway leads to a surprisingly huge lair, possibly created by spatial magic. Taking the stairs in the north-west down to the dungeon, the girls meet with Giselle again in the second cell, who almost thought Eric(a) became a zombie girl. They can't pick the lock or cut the bars, since the alarm will send a horde of zombie girls down, which another survivor learned about the hard way, requiring them to find the key.
Due to being a zombie girl, Eric(a) becomes very aroused, and interacting too much with the NPCs here will result in a game over.
On the ground floor:
- There is a lesbian zombie orgy west of the entrance. Initially reaching it, Yoshida will tell Eric(a) to snap out of it and turn back. But should Eric(a) go there again, they will think that it's safe to go through since they are all distracted and slap a zombie's ass to prove it. Eric(a) is then immediately dragged into the orgy and would completely lose herself if it weren't for Yoshida pulling her out. Choosing to think it's a suicidal idea will have Eric(a) turn away again, and will not think of going through the horde again.
- There are two necromancers focusing on their studies in the west room; one of their scrolls has a picture of a maid's cap similar to the one stuck on Eric(a)'s head. Choosing to sneak up to them, they will immediately notice Eric(a) and freeze them in place. Afraid that the zombie is awakening, however thinking that it might just be another necromancer's fetch girl, they decide to have some fun instead, controlling Eric(a) to behave like a dog (though the barking is not by their control). After playing for a while, the two releases the zombie girl from the enchantment, and Eric(a) walks away with the Maid Curse Counterspell key item.
- There are a scrawny survivor and a necromancer in the dining room to the east. Interacting with the necromancer will show that, surprisingly, the survivor was being fed well and comforted by her. Interacting with the survivor, however, will cause her to freak out, and the necromancer will freeze Eric(a) in place to demonstrate that the zombie girl is clean and safe, smells nice, and is also permanently aroused. After an hour of playtime, the two girls leave to get the survivor a uniform, and Eric(a) is left a blushing mess, though they say it's because they're happy for the girl.
Heading upstairs through the stairs at the northeast corner:
- The south-west room has two necromancers who are too lazy to clean up their messy room, and upon interaction they decide to use Eric(a) to clean their room instead. The NEET necromancer pulls out a hypersexualized maid outfit, which she kept since she finds the idea of a sexy obedient maid alluring, and her roommate kinda agrees. Enjoying the maid duty despite the current mission, the lack of underwear may also satisfy their inner succubus. The skimpy clothing greatly turns the lazy death mages on, and they have at it for a long, long time.
- The room in the south has a necromancer doing make-up for her little sister. Noticing some magical rings on the table, Eric(a) can choose to take one or ignore them. If Eric(a) decides to take one, the older girl notes that zombies love shiny things, and the younger girl sit Eric(a) down in front of the table, an experience they felt quite familiar about. The girl is excited since she never saw a zombie that wants to look pretty before, and her sister plays along. Noticing the slack jaw and pale skin, the little sister decides to make an empathetic link with the zombie to make them more excited. The two girls go through several styles and skin tone changes, which Eric(a) enjoys. Finally, the two let Eric(a) out, and they feel quite sad when Yoshida tells them to clean it up. She says that those girls must've mentally affected Eric(a) and tells them to focus, though they make a mental note to try some new make-up styles when they get back to camp, possibly meaning a Make-up Transformation.
Triggering any of the events mentioned above will cause the ring to glow with a baleful green light. Triggering another one will result in the Zombie Queen Game Over.
In order to proceed:
- The room in the west has a newbie necromancer questioning the morality of this whole necromancy business, and a senior necromancer saying that they're just making this world a better and cuter world, even if it costs a few (thousand) sacrifices. Eric(a) tries interacting with her, which prompts the girl to use them for her studies: she tries to give them a little clothing, but her nervousness ends up creating a very skimpy and slutty schoolgirl uniform. She frantically apologises, saying that her fantasies might've mixed into her spell, but when she cast a spell to calm them down it ends up arousing them greatly, and the two kiss.
- Giving in will result in the Necromancer Lovepet Game Over.
- Resisting instead will have Eric(a) say to themselves that they can't rape a random girl out loud, which accidentally blows their cover. Yoshida tries to knock the necromancer out but is unsuccessful. Despite this, the three start talking and the necromancer, whose name turns out to be Beatrice, decides to give the two Magical Girls a hand in rescuing the prisoners due to the aforementioned distrust in the cult's cause. She says that there isn't much time before the Mistress of the Most Exalted Order of the Bone-White Lily returns; and while she hasn't seen anyone like Giselle, she does mention the prisoners being kept at the lowest floor. The main issue is that she lacks the keys for the dungeon's cells, which might be in her Mistress's room since the Mistress's outfit doesn't have pockets. That room is in the left side of the goddess's chapel downstairs, and an initiate named Tanya might have a key to get in there.
- There's a necromancer gaming in the north-west room. Interacting with her before talking with Beatrice does nothing as she's focused on gaming; it turns out that this is Tanya, and after meeting Beatrice she will come in and ask Tanya for the key. Tanya has been gaming for a very long time and is too focused in her game to do anything else, though this is usually because she's nervous - in this case, Daniel, her close friend before the apocalypse and gaming bro, is currently inside the dungeon. Even though she claims he's not her boyfriend since she was always a lesbian, she does feel awkward about confronting him and how he'll react about the "becoming a girl" thing.
- Returning to the dining room on the ground floor, Eric(a) finds a bottle of Vodka in the cabinets, planning to use it to calm Tanya down. Luckily, Tanya thought she misheard the zombie talking. Drunken and encouraged, Tanya tries to stand up... only to fall onto Eric(a)'s breasts, so they have to help the stumbling necromancer downstairs while she gropes their breasts the whole time. Daniel can't recognise Tanya's changes from being a butterface, nor can he believe what kind of magical cult Tanya is in, so she decides to just unlock the cells. But *oh yeah* she doesn't have the key, it's in the chapel. Turning around and falling head-first into Eric(a)'s bosom again, Beatrice says that she should probably just give her the key to the chapel instead while she rests.
- After taking the drunken girl back to her room, Eric(a) finally gets Tanya's Key to open the door to the chapel and get the Jail Key from the small box on the left and free Giselle. However, Eric(a) hasn't thought about how are they going to rescue the rest of the prisoners without being spotted, until Yoshida has an idea - use her smoke bombs to cause an explosion as a distraction. With that, all prisoners are freed, and Eric(a) can finally take the ring off. Unfortunately, the Mistress has found out. Surrounded by zombies out of nowhere, Beatrice pleads to her Mistress not to be disassembled into spare parts, but she simply kills the girl to "re-educate" her later, and the battle against the Yurimancer begins. Should Eric(a) and Yoshida end up defeated, they lose everything including even their bodies to the Yurimancer's newly-reformed zombie idol minions.
After a rather gruelling battle, the two seemingly emerge victorious, only for the Mistress to pull herself back together for round two. They are made to struggle in vain as the necromancer curses them with pain and terror, and she's about to turn them into her undead servants if it wasn't for Scorch who rammed a van into her, carrying Amy, Skudis, the remaining Cutie Knights, Olivia, and Marianne along with her. Olivia had told them about what happened, and they tracked them down thanks to the explosion.
Everyone is ready for a change of pace from blowing up normal zombies, but then Marianne herself walks forward... and she is pissed. On her call, the Magical Girls start wiping out the horde, while she faces the Mistress head-on. Being an immortal woman, she shrugs off the Mistress's death spells with ease and even throws hand at her, and to make it even worse for the Mistress, her divine magic is suddenly nullified since she inadvertently went against her deity's wishes. Finally, for the crime of ruining her vacation, Marianne reduces the puny Mistress to nothingness with a single spell.
The dialogue afterwards shows that the deity was of course the Yuri Queen, who has been sending gifts to Marianne and decreed to be a person she would never allow being hurt, let alone killed. Regardless, Olivia chastises Marianne's recklessness, saying that she should be the one choosing the vacation spot next - like the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. In the end, the camping trip turned out pretty fun, and Eric(a) commented on how it felt like a "real" mission with actual lives being endangered and lost. Yoshida, however, is rather upset, and though Veronica is very much unsympathetic, Natalie and - after everything that happened - Eric(a) do feel sorry for the girl.
End of the Trip
Soon, the trip ends and everyone returns to the camp (and Julie is still traumatised). The boy who was struck by Yoshida in her frenzy is fully healed and reunites with his father as well, who thanks everyone before leaving. Only Eric(a) and Yoshida are left with Marianne and Olivia, who explains everything that happened. For almost killing the boy however, Marianne decides to send Yoshida to the Magical Café in Japan to receive behavioural therapy from Ayame, saying she was aware of everything she did, and this incident was the last straw. Eric(a) can choose to stay quiet, convince Marianne that she apologised, or convince Marianne to let them counsel her instead.
- Choosing the to stay quiet, Yoshida will fall on her knees in devastation. Eric(a) helps the girl stand up, saying that there's nothing else they can do for her, and that maybe this is for the best. Even at this point Yoshida can't say what she wants to do out loud, saying that "she" has won again. Giving a key to Eric(a) for a tower that they would know, she begs them to promise that they will take care of whatever lurks behind the door that the key unlocks. Eric(a), though not understanding what Yoshida says at first, agrees to the girl's last request before she falls unconscious.
- Marianne will not in fact accept Yoshida's apology if the player choose the middle option, calling her a wild beast instead of a Magical Girl, forcing the player to choose one of the two other options. Choosing this also makes Eric(a)'s case in Yoshida's favour (see third option) notably harder.
- Choosing the last option causes Eric(a) to decide to take responsibility for Yoshida - and by extension her actions - which may be enough for Marianne to promote her to counsellor status despite being just a trainee. "May" being the keyword; Eric(a)'s actions over the course of the game such as having given reason to visit the Punishment Classroom can cause Marianne and/or Olivia to object, and thus the offer to become Yoshida's counsellor fails outright; although the chance can also be improved if Eric(a) had previously decided to counsel Belle. But even if successful, Marianne warns Eric(a) that should either of them step out of line, it will be their funeral.
After going through the portal, the exhausted and overflown-with-emotions Yoshida gets taken to the infirmary, and Eric(a) falls asleep immediately.
The Tower's Secret Area Meeting
Come the next morning, if Eric(a) convinced Marianne to become Yoshida's counsellor, Yoshida will have an awkward breakfast with the Cutie Knights. Eric(a) says that she'll be their responsibility from now on, and that they should all get along lest both of them suffer the consequences. With that out of the way, Yoshida apologises for stealing the Cutie Knights' cores, and gives them back the Gloom Core that she actually took from the Magico back on Earth - turns out she lied to the Director, yet was surprised by the punishment considering she graduated from the camp. The other missing cores are still in her team members' possession, however, and they'll have to be convinced to give them back.
As for the place that Yoshida wanted to show Eric(a): it's somewhere in the bowels of Phyre's Tower and the secret area she's been sneaking in and out of. She also explains she'll have a much better chance to go in and get out alive if the Cutie Knights join her. The group agrees, and she tells them to come see her in the morning when they're ready.
The events will play out different if Yoshida is sent to Japan, but the outcome remains the same. The team enjoys Natalie's spaghetti until they realise it's made with her mother's recipe - which means it's straight from Hell - and so everyone asks Giselle for something else. Giselle, who couldn't stop serving even on his break day due to the mental compulsion, gladly prepares their orders. Eric(a) talks about Yoshida and the cores they got this morning from presumably Olivia cleaning out Yoshida's room, but also regrets that they promised her something they couldn't deliver. However, Giselle had heard the entire conversation - something hard to avoid since the cafeteria is empty - and hands over Yoshida's notebook which was given to the maid long before Eric(a) even arrived at camp. Inside it is everything that Yoshida learned while she was Phyre's student, including how to deal with all the traps and locks inside her tower. Now knowing this is what she wants them to do, Eric(a) tells the team to be prepared and promises Giselle they'll tell everything in there that may help him.
- Zombie
- Younger Sister Zombie
- Older Sister Zombie
- Necromancer
- Losing against these enemies result in the Zombie Girl Game Over.
- Yvette
- Miniboss. Only appears if Eric(a) started, but did not finish, the Y Investigation. Empowered by necro-yuri energy, she is overall even stronger than before, as well as being accompanied by two Izombelles.
- Losing results in the Ice Sculpture Game Over.
- Ravyn the Necromancer
- Miniboss. Has a good chance of inflicting Instant Death with her charge ability and attacks rapidly.
- Losing results in the Witch's Apprentice Game Over.
- Yurimancer
- Boss. Accompanied by Yue and Mai which greatly reduces the damage she takes when they're in battle.
- Losing results in the The Idolmancer Game Over.