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Historica of Lovely Fate
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Skudis is one of the Magical Girls currently training at Magical Camp. Alongside Amy, Catherine, and Julie, she trains in her own Magical Girl team.


Skudis hails from the broken world of Thrudmadra. Formerly a regular planet, it was shattered in a giant cataclysm, and only floating rocks hovering over the still-functional core remain, with a Viking civilisation scattered over the various rock islands. Expectedly, growing up in such an environment requires people to be hardy, stoic, and physically imposing to survive.

Skudis does not always live up to this reputation, however. Physically, she is certainly an imposing figure; standing over two meters tall with an Amazonian physique and a small pair of wings crowning her head, it's quite likely that she carries the ancient blood of frost giants in her distant ancestry. Her personality seems an odd fit, though. Skudis lacks the cynical, fatalistic outlook that defines most Thrudmadrians, making life among Earth's humans much more bearable. Even here, though, she is easily flustered and uncertain about all sorts of things, in particular her budding romance with Amy.

Unlike her brash and straightforward girlfriend, Skudis often holds back and apologizes when Amy does behaves rudely. She is also plagued with doubt that her relationship is actually acceptable, and questions herself about it constantly. Thankfully, her friends at camp support the relationship and tell Skudis that, yes, this is perfectly okay, putting her at ease.

None of this means she is an indecisive coward though. While her exploits are not well known, one can assume that she is a reliable teammate since she does know what is at stake from first-hand experience, and having found a lover would only further her desire to protect the people around her. She may have once hoped to become a healer for her people, but she now uses her incredible physical strength and mighty spear to protect those she cares for.


Although Skudis does not play a major role in any game events, she does make several appearances in interactions with others:

  • The earliest affection point you can acquire from Veronica involves catching her spying on Amy and Skudis' budding romance.
  • Skudis attends the dinner parties Julie throws when you pursue Natalie's storyline.