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Historica of Lovely Fate
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While some battles may be won simply by spamming the Attack command, intelligent use of Skills is necessary to get anywhere in Magical Camp. Using skills consume your character's MP and TP resources in order to accomplish significantly greater effects in combat. They are divided into Specials and Magic.

Universal Commands

All playable characters have access to the following commands:

  • Attack: Deal damage to a single target. Damage increases with your ATK stat. Usually deals physical damage, though some weapons inflict other elemental damage types.
  • Guard: Reduces received damage from all types except 1 (a special damage type called "Unguardable") to 50% during the next turn.
  • Items: Use an item from your inventory.
  • Run: You attempt to escape from battle. This immediately sends the party back to the dungeon entrance, resetting all normal monster encounters.


Specials are the unique talents and techniques an individual uses in combat: no two characters can have the same specials. They are fueled by TP, a resource which rises and falls over the course of combat. TP increases when:

  • You hit an enemy with a standard Attack.
  • You take damage.
  • You use the Guard command.

Meanwhile, TP falls dramatically after each fight as the character's adrenaline wears off.






Like specials, all magical girls have magic attacks that are unique to them. However, unlike specials, magic can also be acquired by equipping arcano cores, allowing characters to swap spells between them to a limited degree. Magic is powered through MP, not TP. MP is a limited resource that depletes as spells are cast. You can restore it through use of items, and each character has a unique method for restoring their own MP.







Core-like Equipment

Special Cores