Fairy Erica: "Oh my!"
Lady Anathema: "How are you feeling?"
Fairy Erica: "I feel great! For some reason these last days seem to have felt really stressful, but now everything feels just right. It's so liberating."
Lady Anathema: "That's great dear, but for now give me a hand in this fight."
Fairy Erica: "Of course, anything for you Princess."
HP | MP | ATK | DEF | MAT | MDF | AGI | LUK | EVA | NUL |
3200 | 120 | 37 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 41 | 38 | 5% | 0% |
- | - | - | - | Im | - | - | - | - | Wk | - |
- | Im | Im | VRs | VRs | VRs | Im | - | - | VRs | Im | Rs | - | - | Im |
Spells and Abilities:
- Attack (
Blunt damage)
- Acidic Cloud (If Eric(a) had learned this skill)
- Entangling Vines (If Eric(a) had learned this skill)
- Freezing Flames (If Eric(a) had learned this skill)
- Gust (If Eric(a) had learned this skill)
- Heart Blast
- Hurricane (If Eric(a) had learned this skill)
- Poisonous Dust
- N/A
Fairy Erica is Eric(a) transformed into a Fairy by Princess Anathema IV as part of her boss battle if Eric(a) is defeated during the fight. She will not be able to be changed back until after winning the fight, meaning that she cannot be revived or returned to your side during the fight itself. There is additional dialogue available upon her transformation depending on which Cutie Knights had already been transformed prior to her.
Due to being a less restrained fairy now, she liberally uses her skill Heart Blast in addition to the spell Poisonous Dust. If she had learned any of a variety of other skills (see list above), she can also bring those to bear in battle. On the other hand, like all flying enemies she also gains a weakness to Wind damage. Fairy Erica also gains immunity to a large amount of status effects, and is even the only of the Fairy Cutie Knights to gain immunity to
Instant Death as well.
With no weaknesses other than wind which only Erica herself has among the team, a decent selection of status resistances and immunities including instant death, and a well-rounded statline, she is easily the most troublesome fairyfied Cutie Knight to face. If you intend to take her down then you must pour down as much damage as possible very quickly, as status effecting moves are non-viable against her, though this also means that dealing with any other Fairyfied Cutie Knights is also likely quicker and easier. That said, in the case of Erica it is perhaps advisable to just ignore her entirely. Focusing down Anathema over any of the Fairy Cutie Knights is always advisable if she has low health as it wins the fight immediately, but in the case of Fairy Erica it might just be the smarter choice in the majority of circumstances. Erica has an equal DEF to Anathema and not that much lower MDF and HP, also considering that Anathema would have liekly taken more than a few hits by the time Fairy Erica pops up. Since there is no quick way to defeat or otherwise tie down Erica, going to the root of the problem is likely more expedient in any situation.
Losing the Battle
Losing the battle will result in the Fairy Princess Servants Game Over.