Operation: Fluffy Kitten is an event where the Cutie Knights first confront Yoshida to try and take back the stolen Cores.
Preceding Events
Beginning Operation: Fluffy Kitten requires Yoshida to have stolen three cores from the party already, specifically those from the dungeons Harpy Peak, Ice Sanctuary, and Misty Woods.
The next time the party is at the overworld they bemoan the pointlessness of going after another Magico if their spoils are just going to be taken away at the end. Isabelle summarily brings them to her room so that they can begin plotting a way to get back at Yoshida.
Back in Isabelle's room, Operation: Fluffy Kitten is born (named by Natalie). Isabelle knows of a dungeon with a secret passage that would likely be used by Yoshida in her act of theft. This passage can be set to open only from the outside, which would prevent her usual quick escape, allowing the Cutie Knights to catch up to her.
To set the trap, the party must first get through the dungeon, named the Pleasure Palace, and set the bait. At the end of the dungeon is the Magico Eris, and after her defeat Yoshida appears as usual to steal away the core, fleeing back through the secret passage.

Heading down the stairs the Cutie Knights will confront Yoshida who has fallen into their trap, failing to escape. As it turns out though Yoshida has been recruiting, and the party will have to face off 4v4 against her team, initiating the Yoshida boss battle.
In the following battle, a different core will be recovered depending on which of Yoshida's party members is defeated first:
- Belle (the blonde girl in the black dress) grants the Ice Core.
- Felicia (the rightmost girl, with unbound brown hair) grants the Mimic Core.
- Miranda (the girl with twintails on the left) grants the Death Mist Core.
- Defeating Yoshida herself will randomise which of the three cores is dropped.
Victory will also recover Eris' Core in any case. Losing will mean the loss of the Eris' Core in addition to failing to retrieve any of the previous three cores.
Having lost the fight, Yoshida cuts down her own teammates and herself in order to force the safety teleport back to the camp so that they are not left at the mercy of the Cutie Knights who would take back all the cores. Eris' Core is dropped due to not having enough time to attune to it, and the other core is dropped ostensibly because the wielder was badly injured enough that they became unattuned.