(Redirected from MC: Tentaclebound)
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Bound (and its subtype
Tentaclebound) are powerful status effects which render a unit unable to move for 3-5 turns. This prevents them from acting, and also sets their Evasion to 0%. Tentaclebound in particular is a variant which lasts for a shorter amount of turns, but deals 2% of the bound target's Max HP each turn as damage.
Curing Bound
- Bound wears off after 3-5 turns.
- Tentaclebound wears off after 1-4 turns.
- Both will be removed with the end of the battle.
Player Sources of Bound
- Entangling Vines (50% chance, single enemy target)
Player Sources of Tentaclebound
- Shadow Bind (50% chance, single enemy target)
Enemy Sources of Bound
- Entangling Vines (50% chance, single enemy target)
- Tight Web (50% chance, single enemy target)
- Vine Bind (50% chance, single enemy target)
Enemy Sources of Tentaclebound
- Entangling Roots (50% chance, single enemy target)
- Shadow Bind (50% chance, single enemy target)
- Tentacle Grasp (100% chance, single enemy target)