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Normal is an odd "element" which uses the element of its user's regular attack. For instance, if the user's attack deals
Sharp damage, any attack dealing normal damage will also use
Sharp damage. As such, there are no normal damage weakness or resistances, as normal damage changes depending on the user.
Most commonly, the normal element will appear on physical attack skills used by enemies with either Sharp or
Blunt default damage types, but this is merely the common cases and exceptions do exist.
Player Sources of Normal Attacks
- Attack
- Venomous Strike
Enemy Sources of Normal Attacks
- Attack
- Double Attack
- Dual Attack
- Triple Attack
- Barbed Tendrils
- Bite
- Bloodsucking Bite
- Deadly Slash
- Deadly Toxin
- Double Kick
- Draining Proboscis
- Ice Breaker
- Lightning Slashes
- Mighty Attack
- Multitude of Bites
- Nasty Bite
- Paralyzing Beam
- Piracy
- Prehensile Hair
- Rain of Daggers
- Rending Bite
- Savage Bite
- Shuriken Throw
- Slash to the Soul
- Tentacle Grasp
- Venomous Bites
- Venomous Strike
- Venomous Tendrils
- Whirling Blades
- Wide Slash
- Wing Slam