Eric(a): "That is one massive jellyfish! It must have also been mutated by the magico. Jellyfish always use electricity in video games. I'm kind of half expecting it to start shooting sparks."
Alice: "It's highly unlikely the mutation would give it elemental powers."
Natalie: "Great, then we are safe from lightning. What are we going to have to be on the lookout for?"
Alice: "Poison Natalie, a lot of it."
HP | MP | ATK | DEF | MAT | MDF | AGI | LUK | EVA | NUL |
300 | 40 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 26 | 20 | 25 | 10% | 0% |
LWk | LWk | - | - | - | Rs | Wk | Im | Wk | Im | - |
Im | - | - | Im | Im | - | Im | - | - | - | - | Im | - | - | - |
Spells and Abilities:
- Attack (
Blunt damage, 100% chance of
- Double Attack (
Blunt damage, 100% chance of
- Triple Attack (
Blunt damage, 100% chance of
- Do nothing
- 30 lumes
Mutant Jellyfish are poison delivery systems, pure and simple. Attacking up to three times per round, an unattended Mutant Jellyfish may rapidly poison your entire party, though the damage from the attack itself is unimpressive. Fortunately, they are fragile and fall quickly to anything but Fire damage, and even if you leave them alive, they sometimes choose to spend their turns doing nothing at all. Either take them all out immediately to avoid getting poisoned in the first place, or leave them for cleanup at the end.
Mutant Jellyfish can be found in the Mermaid Caves.