Big Bad Werewolf: "Come closer, girls! Come see my big mouth, all the better to eat you with!"
Alice: "Now the magico is just stealing from Little Red Riding Hood. What's next, the Little Mermaid?"
Isabelle: "I hope not. If the library suffers any water damage, we will never hear the end of it from Ariana."
HP | MP | ATK | DEF | MAT | MDF | AGI | LUK | EVA | NUL |
400 | 0 | 27 | 22 | 10 | 17 | 32 | 21 | 5% | 0% |
- | Wk | - | - | - | Wk | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Spells and Abilities:
- Attack (
Sharp damage)
- Double Attack (
Sharp damage)
- Savage Bite (Requires Charge)
- 40 lumes
- Eldritch Scrap (25% chance)
Big Bad Werewolves, like all other monsters in this dungeon, are minions created from animated paper and books. This makes them weak to Sharp and Fire damage, making Natalie an asset, or a physical based Alice with a knife. Big Bad Werewolves are straightforward attackers, only having abilities meant for direct attack without any frills. If your party has sufficient defence, they can be left to deal with later, otherwise they should not be difficult to take down with their own low defence. Do pay heed to when they begin to Charge for Savage Bite; either kill or interrupt them before they finish, or be prepared to have to heal afterwards.
Big Bad Werewolves can be found in the Sealed Archives.