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Historica of Lovely Fate
(Redirected from MC: Charmed Breakable)
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Charmed is a status effect which convinces the victim to temporarily turn against its allies. Charmed units will act randomly, attacking their own side (or even themselves) until the effect wears off. Charmed actually occurs in three different varieties - Breakable, Strong, and Succubus - which determines how hard it is for the victim to recover and who is resistant to the charm.

Curing Charmed

  • Wait two to four turns.
  • Each time a Breakable Charmed unit suffers damage, there is a 50% chance they will snap out of it and return to normal.
  • Psychic Restoration
  • Seal of Focus

Charm Resistance

  • Being under the effect of any type of Charm will make that target 50% resistance to reapplications of that type of Charm and immune to the other two types.
  • Alice, being a specialist at mind control, has a natural 50% resistance against Strong and Breakable Charms, but not Succubus Charms.
  • Natalie, as a Lilim, is immune to Succubus-grade charm effects. Other forms of charm still affect her.

Player Sources of Charmed



Enemy Sources of Charmed



  • Dominate
  • Evil Eyes (One of six possible effects, 50% chance if chosen)
  • Gaze of Domination
  • Macabre Puppetry
